Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Wow... Five Years Later, and I've recovered my Blogger account!

Five years and two days have passed since I last posted a blog on this account. I went to MySpace and blogged there for many years. Ended up a couple dozen short of 1,000 blogs posted. When their format started to really suck, I moved over to a place called FriendBurst.com. I've got a couple hundred blogs posted their. I liked their WordPress platform. Lots of others tried FriendBurst, got tired of it and moved on. I still have hopes for that little social network, but the blogging community over there is really starting to thin out.

Are there blogging communities on Blogger? Can we subscribe to one another? Is anyone out there? I'm sure this place, where I started by blogging hobby, has changed a lot in the five years.



  1. Hi, welcome to my world.

    Most people have been removing the word verification since Blogger now makes you type two words. You may not be able to see it yourself, but it is on. Anyone trying to comment from a phone or ipad really has a hard time.

    Comment moderation should be enough.
